Friday, April 30, 2010

New Day

I am doing a daily devotional in a book published by the Women of Faith. Its been a really good push into my own thoughts and feelings about my life as a Christian. One of the main points of the text is that no matter where we have been in our lives...good or bad... we are able to start over, begin a new day. And it isn't just meaning through baptism. It means everyday is a new day to get up and be better and do better as a family member, friend, employee...whatever it is you can be better.
Shoot! I am glad everyday is a new day...I know I need a new start to everyday. Just ask my friends...they know I need a clean slate daily! I don't want to wake up and carry the porblems and burdens from one day to the next...who does? Baggage is a terrible burden...ugh...who wants to lug all that mess around? Who wants to hang out with someone that has alot of problems and drama? Drop the baggage at the check in, don't carry with you on the journey that is called your life! (cheesy I know, but it gets the point know you got a visual!)
It is just crazy that at the age of 28, I feel as though I am getting a fresh start on life, even though not many things have changed outwardly: I am still a teacher/coach, still living with a dog, still living in the same town, still going to the same church. But I feel refreshed, new. And I am thankful for all of the new people He is bringing my way...the list is really too long...and I don't want to leave anyone out! I have been praying for friends lately and I can see where he is directing me. Change is scary!
I will share my everyday life with you. I love writing and actually seeing my thoughts on the with the encouragement of my dear friend Sonja...I am finally writing again. Thank you for pushing me! I hope you all like the blog, I am excited to see where it takes me. Hope you get a laugh every now and then. I don't mind if you laugh at me...happens all the time.