Saturday, July 3, 2010


Tonight, my family celebrated the 4th a day early. We grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, and ribs. Very nice. That is one thing the Farrell men know how to do. And the thing all Farrells do well is eat. There is never a dull moment when we get together. From kids screaming and playing to remember when stories. After letting our feast settle they guys went to get fireworks---for $40, we had a nice little show: slappy dos, slappy don'ts, fountains, and roman candles were just a few of the stars of our show. Oh....and Sparklers...I love sparklers. Watching the children oooo and awww over the fireworks is such a joy. And there was fun had by all!
But the 4th of July is more than just hamburgers and fireworks. It is supposed to be a day of remembering what our forefathers did for our country. Many men fought and died so that we could be free, so that we did not have to endure the same persecution that they under went while in other countries. So that we could truly have a life.
But I am afraid that their fight for our freedom has become an alter for excuses, The young people of today make me sad and at the same time sick; absolutely SICK. They have no knowledge or respect to the history of our country. They cannot see past the end of their own nose, past today, past their own selfish wants. With this generation, I fear for our country's future.
They do not seem to understand the sacrifices of men and women of the past, what they have lain down at this generation's feet only to be trampled. Sacrifice so that people can sit on their opportunities at home and do nothing with their lives. Sacrifice, so that people can waste my tax money on frivolous temporary highs and material items that will rot in the earth one day. Sacrifice, so that young people no matter their color, religion, or socio-economic status could get a free education. Sacrifice, so that people of every belief or religion can go to church with out being under fire or scrutiny. There are countries even today where people are being killed because of their beliefs, daily. right now we have men and women fighting, sacrificing their lives in Iraq so that we may be safe and protected, and fighting to prevent another 9/11.
I as an educator am expected to teach kids grammar, simple mathematics, biology, and out entire history. But they do not care. They do not desire such education, yet we try to force feed them. They do not have any respect of true understanding for their elders or the men and women who died to make our country and homes safe. They take for granted the freedoms and blessings our country has afforded us. In instead of taking the freedoms and blessings they have been given and being successful, productive young people, doing everything that is offered to them. They spit on the opportunity and in that spit on me as an educator. They would rather live in ignorance at our expense.
How do I as an educator, as a U.S. citizen, teach them passion, compassion, respect, or understanding for our past, for others, or themselves? How do I impel them to desire success or education? I cannot. So, is my passion for teaching in vain? I feel my love for history and my respect for the past is lost among the weeds and rocky soil. How many flowers will grow with the water of knowledge, truth, and love we are sharing and providing to our students?
I feel as though my efforts are futile in this microwave society. How much longer do we allow our forefathers' passions, hopes, and dreams to be trampled on by the ignorance of today's culture?

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